Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the National Agency. Neither the European Union nor National Agency can be held responsible for them.

Design Thinking for Social Change

Design For Change aims to train Adult Educators, Social Change Actors, Policy Stakeholders, and other stakeholders involved in social change to use Design Thinking principles as a standard when deciding on priority issues, determining who is affected by community problems and how, determining what solutions are possible and how they affect beneficiaries, developing ideas, and implementing projects.

This method will help to make better use of resources and financing, as well as educate staff, members, and activists in local governments, NGOs, development agencies, and organisations, improving the position of community changemakers and civil society to address major community concerns.

Design thinking is about cognitive flexibility, the ability to adapt the process to the challenges
Idris Mootee

Design thinking is a human-centered and collaborative approach to problem-solving, using a designed mindset to solve complex problems

- Tim Brown

Governments, academics, educators, and communities all want to know why things go wrong. According to one view, it is critical to include impacted communities in the creation of solutions, a process known as community engagement. This allows the project to be adjusted to the community's needs, better guiding the intervention. Brown and Mickelson's study, Why Some Well-Planned and Community-Based ICTD Interventions Fail, expands on this by looking at how simply incorporating the community in the design of an intervention isn't enough to ensure success. It claims that mere community interaction does not always allow us to comprehend all the community's demands.

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Project Activities

Result 01

Toolkit to establish a Learning Centre for Social Change

A toolkit to establish Design Thinking Learning Centres for social change. It will focus on how Design Thinking can upskill social change agents, creating centres for learning in communities.

Result 02

Design Thinking for Social Change Guide

The Guide will support the Erasmus+ priority of improving the competences of educators and other adult education staff to facilitate the creation of effective, and long-lasting solutions through providing a range of tools for adult educations for each stage of Design Thinking model to understand and articulate the needs of communities crying out for social change.

Result 03

DESIGN THE CHANGE Open Education Resources - a Training Course+ Facilitator’s Guide

The Open Education Resources will empower Adult Educators, Social Change Actors and Policy Stakeholders involved in creating social change to upskill change advocates via a set of OERs - a Training Course+ Facilitator’s Guide which will enable adult educators to adopt and pass on the skills of design thinking to social change activists and community members.

Result 04

Design Thinking for Social Change Process Learning Platform

The interactive learning platform will be a creative space for the exchange of ideas between social change agents that use the design thinking principles.

Project Partners

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